25 February 2015

ISO 14001 EMS Revisions 2015

25 Feb 2015 Source : http://www.iso.org/iso/iso14001_revision

ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems Revision 2015

The revision of ISO 14001, one of ISO’s most widely used standards, is now open for public comment (DIS stage), with an updated version due by the end of 2015.

Why is ISO 14001 being revised?
All ISO standards are reviewed every five years to establish if a revision is required to keep it current and relevant for the marketplace. The future ISO 14001:2015 will respond to latest trends and ensure it is compatible with other management system standards such as ISO 9001.

What will be the main changes to the standard?
The new version will include a requirement to understand the organization’s context in order to better manage risk, with more emphasis made on leaders within organizations to promote environmental management. In addition there will be a shift towards improving environmental performance rather than improving the management system. A full information sheet can be viewed here.

Where are we in the revision process?
ISO 14001 is currently at the Draft International Stage (DIS), the fourth stage of a six stage process, whereby any anyone who is interested can submit feedback to the experts on the technical committee that is revising the standard.

How can I get involved?
Anyone with expertise or experience to offer can comment. Please submit all contributions and comments via your national member body.

What is the next step?
Once all comments have been considered and the draft is approved, it will move into the Final Draft International Standard (FDIS) stage before publication.

When will the new version be published?
The revised ISO 14001 standard is due to be published by the end of 2015.

I am certified to ISO 14001:2004. What does this mean for me?
Organizations are granted a three-year transition period after the revision has been published to migrate their environmental management system to the new edition of the standard.

After this transition period, companies that opt for third party certification will have to seek certification to the new version of the standard. The former version, ISO 14001:2004, and any certification to it, will be out of date.

Do I have to be certified to the new standard?
No, certification is not compulsory.For further information about certification and other types of third party assessment, this see our page on conformity assessment.

How do I find out more?
The draft version of ISO 14001:2015 is now available for purchase. You can also contact your national member body for more information about how the revision is proceeding in your country. You can also view an information sheet on the technical committee's page.


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