Speak Mandar
A version of this article appeared in the prin t edition of
The Straits Times on July 12, 2017, with the headlin e 'Language
gaffes: Two event organisers say sorry'.
One embarrassin g mistake
was in the use of the
wrong Chin ese character in a rostrum
signIn a gaffe at Monday's launch of the Speak Mandarin Campaign, in stead of usin g the Chin ese
character for "read", the character for "to show
disrespect" was used on a sign that featured promin ently.
the NDP case, there were typographical errors
These are but
real examples of quality management system lapses causin g embarrassments to the organizers. Generally,
people cannot accept such lapses and anyone concerns about quality management
processes can learn from such blunders.
One way to
prevent such error is to adopt a quality management system like ISO 9001:2015
and implement processes to meet the standard’s requirements. One of the requirement,
Clause 8.6 Release of products and services states precisely:
“The organization shall implement planned arrangements, at
appropriate stages, to verify that the product and services requirements have
been met. The release of products and services to the customer shall not proceed until the planned arrangements have been satisfactorily completed, unless otherwise approved by a relevant authority and, as applicable, by the customer.”
The organization shall reta
In this context, the artwork supplier and providers would need to def
Where all planned verification and checks have been carried out at various steps and yet nobody has spotted such errors, the only aspect for
Clause 7.2 Competence
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